Mom of amazing quints: Born six years apart
Becoming the parents of quintuplets takes some getting used to.
Jeanette and Arthur Fardelin have had longer than most. Their fabulous five – all conceived through IVF on the same day – were born six years apart.
The children, all sharing the same auburn hair and blue eyes, have fulfilled the couple's dream of a large happy family. And they have staggered their arrivals beautifully.
Millie was the first in 2006, while Adam, now four, came along two years later. They were followed by Matthew, now two, and last month twins Isaac and Lulu were born.
Experts say they know of no other case where five siblings have been born at different times from the same round of fertility treatment.
'We can't thank the doctors enough for what they have done,' said Mrs Fardelin, 42. 'We didn't dare dream we would ever have one healthy child, let alone five, and all from the same batch of eggs. It's truly amazing.'
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