Sixty one-year-old to be mother again
Trying to fill an aching vacuum after the death of their only son, an elderly couple has achieved the miraculous feat of conceiving a child at the ripe age of 60 plus.
Retired headmistress of a school at Anandpur town in Keonjhar district, Kanakalata Ram, and husband Sarat Chandra Singh, ex-employee of the district transport department, have conceived again after the death of their son Tarini Prasad in a tragic accident in 2010.
Dr Prabhat Nalini Mohanty, who has been treating 61-year-old Kanakalata, now at an advanced stage of pregnancy, said the husband had no problem because his sperm counts were good. The doctors restored Kanakalata's menstrual cycle with the help of medicines but the couple had to take help of a donor's eggs. Kanakalata is five months pregnant after an invitro fertilization,
Dr Mohanty said.
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Read more: Sixty one-year-old to be mother again
Originally posted on July 23, 2011.
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Category: 56+, donor eggs
Really helpful for me. Thanks for the informative post.
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