Gigi Lai, 41, expecting twin boys
Looks like Gigi Lai will have her hands full in the near future.
After giving birth to twin girls after receiving in-vitro fertilization treatments in 2010, the 41-year-old is once again expecting twins - this time, she'll be having boys.
Gigi, who is reportedly about five months pregnant, has put on close to 10kgs since getting pregnant.
In April this year, she happily shared on her micro-blog, "Yesterday, the doctor confirmed that I'm pregnant once again. (I'm) really thankful."
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by Robert A. Greene M.D. and Laurie Tarkan
-- You have more than one hundred hormones circulating in your body – reproductive hormones, pregnancy hormones, sex hormones, metabolic hormones, and stress hormones – relaying messages from tissue to tissue, organ to organ, brain to body, and body to brain.
An equilibrium, a perfect balance in both partners, often determines your ability to conceive and support a pregnancy.
When your body is imbalanced, conception becomes very difficult. Luckily, hormonal imbalances can be corrected.
Drawing on the latest research in this field – which links underlying hormonal issues with infertility in men and women – Dr. Robert Greene, fertility specialist, ob/gyn, and reproductive endocrinologist, has created the Perfect Balance Fertility Program to help patients attain the optimal hormonal health that is necessary for conception.

Click to order/for more info: Perfect Hormone Balance for Fertility

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Category: 41