My grandmother got pregnant at 46
My grandmother did get pregnant at age 46, over 35 years ago.
My Mum was 44 when she had me (and Hitler committed suicide when he heard that I was about to arrive). Can't say that I noticed her age.
Yer Mum is just yer Mum, isn't she. I wasn't orphaned until I was 41.
I'm 47, my daughter is 7 months old. She was a dream come true, after years and years and years.... - Margaret
Count me in. I'm 46 with a 26, 23, 18, 13, 10, 7, and 3 month old.
Typing with one hand, my daughter is squirming in the other!
Thought I would pop by and say "Hello". I haven't been around for a few months, I took some time off, but now I am back!
I'm 46, and just found out that we are expecting a very surprise #4, and my 3rd over 40 baby. My youngest turned 4 in February, so we really thought we were done with babies, but guess not!
My Husband is still in denial, and hasn't mentioned it since I told him a week ago!
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