Born 2 months before my 44th birthday
I conceived naturally a month or so after I turned 43 years old.
She was born 2 months before my 44th birthday.
Happy and healthy!
The 46-year-old speaks very poor English but her cousin happens to be the embryologist who works with my RE [Reproductive Endocrinologist].
Here is what I learned from both of them.
The woman has a 20-year-old daughter and, at age 45, was experiencing menopausal symptoms - hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, and insomnia.
She was going to begin HRT [Hormone Replacement Therapy] when she decided to do a colon cleanse first.
She found a good cleanse at a health food store and some herbal tea and changed her diet, and increased her fiber and water consumption for a period of 30 days.
She is an Amway distributor and also started taking some very high-quality vitamins they sell.
She said within the month, she felt 100% better and virtually all of her symptoms had disappeared.
There was no need for her to start the HRT since she was feeling so much better.
Low and behold, in another two months, she discovered she was pregnant.
One year ago in August, at the age of 46+, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl.
I also got a call from a 44-year-old friend who just did IVF [in-vitro fertilization] about a week before me.
She got a BFP [big fat positive - pregnancy test] - and had transferred eight not-so-hot embies [embryos]!
Just goes to show you... you never know.
I answered the poll as one who gave birth at the age of 45.
I conceived at 44 years old, and I was 45 and 2 months old when I gave birth to a beautiful, perfectly healthy girl after an uneventful pregnancy.
Just so you know, I used my own eggs (well, just one).
I don't know how it escaped me conceiving my first at age 44 might be a little difficult, but I was newly married at 43 years old, and we just kept trying.
I kept BBT [body basel temperature] charts, and was attuned to my fertile time.
I did not take any supplements, other than folic acid.
All I can say is the less than 3% chance of conceiving
I was given by the RE turned out to be all the chance I needed.
Don't give up!
My husband and I TTC for nearly 4-1/2 yrs and were unsuccessful.
At ages 46 and 42, we decided to apply for an adoption program within the county where we live.
Before we completed adoption classes in March 2004, we found out we had conceived in February 2004. Unfortunately, we miscarried at five weeks along.
My OB/GYN encouraged me by saying at least we knew I had the capability to get pregnant.
My younger sister had done research on estrogen dominance, of which I had many of the symptoms.
So, after the miscarriage, I started progesterone cream treatment, and two months later, we were pregnant!
We had a healthy, full-term pregnancy and gave birth to a beautiful little girl, one month before I turned 43.
I have been very uncertain about having another child at my age (I'm 44 years old now), but after reading all of these wonderful and encouraging comments, maybe we will TTC [try to conceive] this year!
Posted By Stacy Y. on 2006-08-25
Unexplained Infertility, Miscarriage and IVF Failure - Explained
by Alan E. Beer, Julia Kantecki, Jane Reed
-- A unique book—the first of its kind. No longer do patients have to accept that their infertility is
just bad luckand they just have to
keep on trying.
No longer should women with recurrent miscarriages have to listen to their doctor telling them that their loss was
God's willor that they ought to be thankful because their baby was probably chromosomally abnormal.
The statistics simply do not support such claims—in fact, they show that repeated reproductive failure can be a symptom of wider health problems in the mother.
Furthermore, the root cause can be treated—not only to promote the chances of a successful pregnancy but to improve the mother's health long-term.

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