My Great grandmother & 2 aunts had babies at 43 & 44
It is definitely not a pipe dream... I am 43 and conceived naturally (with the help of the primrose I guess...almost naturally) My Great grandmother, and 2 aunts also had full term healthy babies at 43 and 44.
My mom had my little sister at 44. So... - Patrina
With my other pregnancies, I got pregnant immediately. With this one, I assumed that I couldn't get pregnant because I am age 45, and got lazy with birth control and didn't get pregnant for a year and a half. but.... .here I am now 16 weeks pregnant. Don't give up.
I had my son at age 41 and am currently pregnant at age 45. I think at an older age, you are more confident. Go for it!
Just lurking, and my mom was 44 when I was born over 30 years ago!
You Can Get Pregnant in Your 40's