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My aunt had my two cousins at age 48 & 49

Catherine McDiarmid-Watt | Thursday, November 09, 2006 | 0 comments

And as an FYI, my aunt had my two cousins at age 48, then age 49. This was back in the seventies, so again, no donor egg then. Pity the poor woman, both boys that ran her ragged!


Years ago when I was in high school, I worked at an ice cream shop. I was waiting on a boy (about 10) and his "grandmother". The boy was ordering for both while his "grandmother" left the table to use the ladies room. When I asked him what his "grandmother" wanted he said, "that's not my grandmother - she's my mom, she had me when she was 49."

The poor kid must have been so used to people referring to his mom as his "grandmother" that he developed a pretty well rehearsed response. I always remembered them because it seemed so amazing that she had a child in her late 40's. Anything is possible!!


It does concern me when people let themselves be convinced (by RE's, usually) that every pregnant woman over age 43 must have done donor egg. It's just bad information, the RE's are perpetuating a medical lie, and it would be very disturbing to those older pregnant women to be "accused" of an ART procedure that many of them have never even heard of. Crazy.

I met a woman on a pregnancy board who naturally conceived twins at 44. She had only been trying for a number of months, so she probably wasn't even infertile. A guy at a cocktail party loudly proclaimed to her and to everyone standing around that she was lying about spontaneous pregnancy and that she MUST have done donor egg! She was so shocked, hurt and humiliated. It isn't that donor egg is anything to be ashamed of, but it is sort of humiliating to have someone think that you are telling a whopper when you aren't.


I just had lunch with my aunt, who was born to my grandmother when she was 47.5 years old. BTW, my aunt is 63.5 years old, So donor egg wasn't part of the equation.

It's actually a pretty funny story. The Doctors told my grandmother that she had a tumour and that it needed to come out right away or she would die. She wasn't too keen on having an operation so she just ignored her doctor's advice, only to discover a few months later when her tumour grew, that she was having another child. My Dad has 2 brothers and 5 sisters.

After it was determined that she was having a baby, her doctors had her convinced she was going to die during birth or shortly there after because she was soooo old. My grandparents made arrangements to have my aunt be adopted by my Mom and Dad, who, by the way, had me when my Mom was 41.5 and my Dad was 49.5. Sure do hope it's hereditary.

Anyway, my grandmom lived for 20 more years after she delivered my aunt.


My grandmother had all three babies in her 40's and the first was born in 1926. Women do conceive, carry and deliver babies even for the first time when in their 40's. Clearly no donor egg there. Rarer then we would like, but it does happen


2,939 Stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old

You Can Get Pregnant in Your 40's



About Catherine: I am mom to three grown sons, two grandchildren and two rescue dogs. After years of raising my boys as a single mom, I remarried a wonderful man who had never had a child of his own. Unexpectedly, I found myself pregnant at 49!
Sadly we lost our precious baby at 8 weeks, and decided to try again. Five more losses, turned down for donor egg, foster care and adoption due to my age and losses - we have accepted there will be no more babies in our house.

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