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A friend is pregnant at 50 & has a 2yr old

Catherine McDiarmid-Watt | Sunday, October 01, 2006 | 0 comments

A friend of a friend is pregnant at 50 and has a 2 year old. My daughter in law has a 49 year old friend who just discovered she is 5 months pregnant, I am 49 still TTC and hoping.


I also had a 18 week loss, went on to have my daughter at 39.5 with no problems or extra monitoring. I also had an 8 week loss in 2003. I just had my son on 1-22-05 at the age of 44.

My OB did nothing special with me even at my advanced age. He said "you had no problems with my daughter.. and you were "old then"! Anyway, I think it depends on your history and OB. I was hoping to get more ultrasound, etc., but it did feel great to be treated like a "normal" pregnant woman. Believe it or not, I feel better this time around than I did after my daughter!


Spent the holiday with some wonderful friends of ours. Although I was hesitant to mention our desire to have a baby (we are both over 50 with grandchildren), they got talking about their several miscarriages (they are in their late 40's) and so I chimed in about the miscarriages I had (last one being three years ago) they figured it out, that we wanted to have a baby.

They both thought we were definitely not too old...and told us of other couples who they knew that had babies in their late forties up to mid-fifties, the husband said one in their 60's and then the wife chimed in and said Sarah in the Bible was around age 80 when she conceived/ gave birth to Isaac. It was the most amazing thing, they prayed for us.

And then the wife recommended a book called "Supernatural Pregnancy" ..and she is going to get her copy for me from a friend she loaned it to...She says she has never known of anyone who did not get the most wonderful pregnancy and baby after following the principles in this book (in her own case she had a completely pain-free childbirth with a short 2 hour labour experiencing only pressure)

They are going to keep praying for should these prayers be answered, I will be adding my over-50 story to this list. I wish everyone we knew was so positive about having babies later in life.
Posted By anonymous on 2005-11-25


It took me ages to find these stories and I feel so much more hopeful having read them. I am 49 and TTC for 2 years. My new husband and I are praying desperately for our own baby.
Posted By peteanme on 2005-11-24


There were 3 [pregnant] ladies on the Board last year - 2 were 45 and one 46 - I believe all were natural - and all were successful. - Lisa


2794 Stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44 years old



About Catherine: I am mom to three grown sons, two grandchildren and two rescue dogs. After years of raising my boys as a single mom, I remarried a wonderful man who had never had a child of his own. Unexpectedly, I found myself pregnant at 49!
Sadly we lost our precious baby at 8 weeks, and decided to try again. Five more losses, turned down for donor egg, foster care and adoption due to my age and losses - we have accepted there will be no more babies in our house.

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