Before birth control, not unusual to have babies in their 40's
In the days before birth control it was not unusual for women to have babies any time during their 40's..... My grandmother had her last baby at the age of 45, and I have noted that in quite a number of my ancestors..... With the men fathering children into their late 70's and wives near 50.....
I am 44 years old, soon to be 45 and was wondering how many of you are my age and pregnant? I am about 5 and a half weeks and am not feeling very symptomatic... I have a 5 year old and a 21 month old and at first was not thrilled about this but after 2 weeks of digesting the situation, I would like to have this baby...
Pregnancy Roll Call
October 2005
Oct 6 - Mary S, 45y #2
Oct 11 - Deb, 46y #2
November 2005
Nov 11 - Melody, 46y #2
I am 45 and 29 weeks along with my fifth child. I have sons ages 23, 21 and 16 and a 2 year old daughter. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes a month ago but otherwise things have gone well. I have a friend who was 45 and pregnant at the same time I was pregnant with my daughter. She now has a beautiful 2 year old son also her fifth child. I know its easy to say but try not to worry too much take care of yourself and have a wonderful pregnancy.
I am pregnant with my 5th child. I am 45 yo. I was completely shocked when I decided to test about a week late. I was actually hysterical. My DH was incredible. He was so calm and he said we'll take things as they come.
I have 2 boys and 2 girls ages 4-13. I thought I was going thru menopause with irregular cycles.