Mary Higgins has baby at 55
July 4, 1932 - Having given birth to her first child at 55 years and 69 days, Mrs. Mary Higgins of Cord, Ireland bids fair to win the prize offered by a London newspaper for information as to the oldest mother
in the last 20 years.
Thus far, the runner-up is Mrs. Elizabeth Pierce of Bitterne, Southampton, whose youngest child was born when she was 54 years and 40 days.
The paper calls attention to an old announcement in the Royal Cornwall Gazette of January 2, 1819, reporting the birth of twins on Christmas Eve, to Mrs. George Saunders, wife of a London shoemaker in her 59th year.
This Pregnancy Over 40 story was found on The Toledo News-Bee
Read more: Mary Higgins has baby at 55
Originally posted in July 4, 1932.
by Cara Birrittieri
-- Until now, there has been little practical advice on what women can do about ticking biological clocks.
What Every Woman Should Know About Her Biological Clock is the first book to explore a woman's reproductive lifespan completely, from beginning to end.
Based on Cara Birrittieri's own experience of running up against a slowing biological clock, she shows women for the first time how to
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Click to order/for more info: What Every Woman Should Know About Fertility and Her Biological Clock