Grandmother, 47, Gives Birth to Naturally Conceived Triplets
Janelle Perry, a grandmother from Queensland, Australia, has given birth to naturally conceived triplet boys in a
delivery at Brisbane's Mater Mothers' Hospital.
Janelle and husband Robert's tiny trio - Cooper, Kyle and Jordan - were born at 34 weeks' gestation by caesarean section last week.
Doctors are "99.9 percent certain" the boys are identical.
Perry, who turns 47 next week, now has eight children.
She said she is adamant that is enough.
Perry has four children in their 20's from a previous marriage, a daughter, Rebecca, 4, with Robert, and two grandchildren.
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Photo credit: Bibs for all three,
by Sheller226 CMommies, on Photobucket
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Wow this is amazing! I am quite a young mum and can't even imagine having the energy now to care for triplets let alone when in my late forties! You are super mum! :o)