My mom had me at 45
My mom had me at 45 (36 years ago!!) and that was virtually unheard of in 1969. In fact, she got married at 41 and had all 3 of her children between 42 and 45 (my sister and brother are 16 months apart; me and my brother are 11 months apart). She did not have any medical assistance and was warned that we would have developmental delays. We're all perfectly fine.
My mom is in excellent health, as was her mother before her (who lived till 96). She's 82 and often helps me with my 10 month old. She was the primary caregiver for my niece and nephew from birth (when she was 70) until they went to school. Did I mention they're twins?
I feel blessed to have her and I do believe that having us later in life has kept her young. She also retired when I was in high school, so we had the benefit of having her at home.
I also knew a lady in church that had her son at the age of 52, and is still going strong. She is now in her nineties, and has more energy than me!! I think it is not in the age, but how you are feeling.
My RE said he did have success with IVF with a woman who got pregnant at 45 with her own eggs, and delivered a singleton at 46.
My acupuncturist has a client who went through IVF at 44, and went on to have a successful pregnancy.
One of my best friends tried IVF at 42, and it failed. She decided not to do ART again. she had her first baby at 43 and is now due any minute with her 2nd at 45. A friend of hers just had number 4 at age 47 -- also a natural conception.
You Can Get Pregnant in Your 40's