52y woman in our area gave birth to twins
So, while you will not see many women in their 60's giving birth (although you may still see them adopting in more cases than you know, even if it is adopting their own grandchildren), women in their late 30's and into their mid-late 40's are definitely having babies.
In fact, I heard of a 52 year old woman recently in our area who gave birth to twins who, by the way, had no assistance with fertility treatments. So, while it is true that the odds decrease for natural pregnancy at later ages, it still happens, and who is to say anyone is too old, if her own body is telling her differently.
An ancestor of mine had her last child at age 48. I am of the firm opinion that you can't possibly be too old, if you didn't need help conceiving.
I had my baby at 45. He is perfect and a very happy 4 year old today.
My great grandmother had her last child at age 46.
One miscarriage, several rounds of Clomid, and another plea to heaven later, I got pregnant again – this time at 44. Everybody including my reproductive endocrinologist was shocked since fewer than one percent of all women between the ages of 40 to 44 have babies. When the “amnio” revealed a girl, I was ecstatic. Not only had I defied the damning statistics, I lucked out on the gender.
You Can Get Pregnant in Your 40's