She is 45y & 5m pregnant - natural conception.
I saw a friend of mine at the mall on Saturday. She is 45 and is 5 months pregnant - through natural conception.
Now I'm 43 and in my sixth week of pregnancy with my second who, if all goes well, will be born when I'm about 44.5. I did intrauterine insemination both times with donor sperm.
I am 43, conceived the "old-fashioned" way, and will deliver when I am 44. My menstrual cycles were (I thought) winding down, getting closer together, and I assumed (erroneously) that I was heading into menopause. Stopped taking the pill, stopped any sort of birth control, and don't know why I'm surprised to find out I'm pregnant.
I'm 43, will be 44 in August. I had started to worry that it might never happen and had gone for an IVF consult after my last IUI (the fifth) with plans to do an IVF cycle in July. Then, low and behold, I found out that the fifth IUI worked. I am now in my 6th week so it is still very early and I'm a little wary even of talking about it for fear of jinxing myself.
My highest CD3 FSH was 28. I'm now 23 weeks into my first ever pregnancy at age 43. I conceived naturally (i.e. no medical help) a few weeks before my 43rd b-day....