My friend had her first child at 46 - naturally
My friend, Debbie, had her first child at 46 years old - naturally (though she had a couple of miscarriages first).
A lady in a local choral group, here, told me the other day SHE was conceived when her mom was 54 years old!
She was child number six, and her mom had a perfectly healthy pregnancy and baby!
This lady (her name escapes me right now) is 57 years old already!
One of my kids did a seminar the other day on her family in Quebec.
Her grandmother lost the first seven kids she had (illnesses, accidents, a fire etc. - can you imagine?!) yet began again, and had seven more, four born after 45 years old.
Just wanted to say my husband's two grandmothers each had their last child at 47 years old, naturally conceived of course this was a LONG time ago.
A woman in my daughter's kindergarten class is turning 50 years old.
Her son is only six years old.
My great-aunt was born in December of 1906. She married in 1928.
She had three healthy daughters - in 1936, 1947, and 1951.
So, she would have been 29, 40 and 44 years old when she had her daughters.
Strange for that time (eight years before even having the first baby, and then they were born several years apart).
There were obviously no fertility drugs at that time.
This is all per a family history book I got at our family reunion.
My grandmother's last pregnancy was at 48 years old, her children were all spaced 7-9 years apart.
My last two children, (naturally conceived) were born when I was 44 and 46 years old respectively.
My first two children are now 24 and 19 years old.
by Cari Rosen
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