Couple finds pregnancy success with acupuncture
“Everybody always says just relax don't think about it and that is almost impossible,” said Amy Clinton.
This is not her first experience with acupuncture. Amy and her husband tried to conceive for years but nothing happened.
“I guess I assumed that I wasn't going to be able to have kids because at that point I was already 40.”
After no luck working with fertility treatments, Clinton added acupuncture into the mix.
“It worked," she said. "And actually we had been doing fertility things medication and shots and things along with the acupuncture. The month that I got pregnant we had actually decided to take off from all fertility stuff and we went on vacation for a month and I came back pregnant.”
She's now a mom to a beautiful little boy named Gabriel.
“The joy he brings me, it's wonderful," she said.
So she decided it’s time to try for baby number two.
“Now that I know my body can have a child and I can get pregnant, I'm hoping that just with the acupuncture that it works out,” said Clinton.
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Acupuncture and IVF: Increase IVF Success by 40-60%
by Lifang Liang
-- The information in this book can increase your success rate with in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other assisted reproductive technologies (ART) by as much as 60%.
Research has shown that acupuncture alone can increase the success rate of IVF by 35%. By also adding Chinese herbal medicine, it is Dr. Lifang Liangs experience that you can almost double that increase.
In this book, Dr. Liang describes her extremely successful step-by-step protocols for combining acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine with IVF.
Whether you are a Western MD specializing in infertility, a Chinese medical practitioner, or a couple experiencing difficulties in conceiving, this book is sure to give you new hope and a new approach to dealing with this all too common and difficult condition.

Click to order/for more info: Acupuncture and IVF