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Elizabeth Adeney is reported to have had a son weighing in at 5lb 3ozElizabeth Adeney is reported to have had a son weighing in at 5lb 3oz, and both are said to be 'extremely well'.

Divorcee Mrs Adeney, from Suffolk, had travelled to the Ukraine for IVF because clinics in the UK won't treat women over the age of 50.
The infant was delivered by Caesarean section at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge on Tuesday. Doctors are understood to have brought the procedure forward a day because Mrs Adeney, who carried her son almost to full term, had developed a complication.

The Daily Mail reports a friend as saying: 'Lizzie is absolutely thrilled. This is something she thought might never happen. She can't wait to get home and start her new life with her boy.'


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Recent Keyword Searches: pregnant at 44, pregnant 51 what are the risks, chance of a healthy pregnancy in overs 45's, having a baby at 44, pregnancy in overs 45's
Patricia had her last son when she was 45Patricia Cronnelly, mum of three sons, thinks we should give Elizabeth Adeney support.

'I won't condemn her," says Patricia, who had her last son when she was 45.
"Isn't she a brave woman to get pregnant at 66? She says she's fit. I wish her luck.

"I'm not saying women of 60-plus should get pregnant. I wouldn't do it. I'm not going to have a fourth baby at 49 or 50, but that's for selfish reasons. I breastfeed as long as my children want me to, and we have them in the bed. It's full-on parenting for around five years, and I'm not prepared to make that commitment.

"It's not so much age that matters as the bond that you have with your child and the quality of care. Will an 18-year-old have a better or worse quality in the relationship than a 66-year-old whose ego has been burned away?

"You can't tell without knowing what motivates her. We don't know what kind of person she is, or what kind of child she will have. She could have been a useless mother at 20 and useless at 66; or wonderful at 20 and even more amazing now."

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Recent Keyword Searches: pregnant at 50, mothers over 45, preganat at 46, worlds oldest mom by natural conception, 50 years old and pregnant
Pauline Lyon had 2 children after 50 Another woman who knows how it feels to become the oldest mother in the country is Pauline Lyon, now 65, from March who had two children after the age of 50.

Her daughter, Lauren, was born a month before her 52nd birthday, and in 1999 she had a boy, just before her 56th birthday. Mrs Lyon declined to comment on Mrs Adeney's decision to become a mother at 66.

Her husband, David, said: "She doesn't want to comment. But she wishes her good luck and she wishes it was her."

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Recent Keyword Searches: pregant at 46, oldest natural mom, can a 47 year old get pregnant, perimenopause and pregnancy, is 47 ok tohave a baby
Picture by djayo
I've been working on a new blog template for weeks now, which will dramatically change the look and feel of Stories of Pregnancy & Birth over 44y.

Today's the day I am going to add it, and it may be a bit messy till I get everything working just right. Hopefully I will have everything working right by the end of the day.

In the meantime, step carefully, forgive the mess, and enjoy the stories!

UPDATE: The facelift is done, and hopefully everything is working right. Let me know what you think of our new look, and if something isn't working properly, let me know so I can fix it!

Life Begins... - Miscarriage stories of loss, hope & help
Pregnancy Stories by Age - Daily blog of hope & inspiration!
You Can Get Pregnant in Your 40's - Sharing articles, discussing options & suggestions
Elizabeth Munro, pregnant at 66Childless Elizabeth Munro - 67 in July - is heavily pregnant after paying for IVF treatment in Eastern Europe.

The company boss, who lives alone in a £600,000 country cottage, is only three years younger than the world’s oldest known mother.

Friends and colleagues, stunned by the news, are being supportive.

One said: “She is a strong, fit person who looks more like 56 than 66. She will make a brilliant mum. She can’t wait.

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Life Begins... - Miscarriage stories of loss, hope & help
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Recent Keyword Searches: i'm pregnant at 44, pregnant after 40 naturally, cances of getting pregnant 48 woman 48 year old man, stories of pregnancy after 44, blog pregnant over 45
Picture by boletin
menopausal new momsHaving worked long and hard to get pregnant myself, I was prepared for some of the “side effects” of pregnancy: morning sickness, swollen ankles, and gestational diabetes. However, I was not prepared for the simultaneous upheaval of my confused 46-year-old uterus, which didn’t know whether it was coming or going.

Yet, despite all the challenges faced by the menopausal mom, I think I speak for most if not all, when I say the good far outweighs the bad. The stages of motherhood and menopause are significant passages faced by many. Having experienced some of each, I can honestly say the birth of my daughter makes the onslaught of menopause much more palatable. Because, while my physical body is fighting the inevitable aging process, the experiences I’m sharing with my daughter make me feel younger every day. Still, whenever I hear those 20-something new moms complaining about the perils of motherhood, I can’t help but think, “You should try this when your 50, sister.”

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Life Begins... - Miscarriage stories of loss, hope & help
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Recent Keyword Searches: pregnance at 45, having a baby late in life videos, 50 years and pregnant, women getting pregnant naturally aged 44, pregnat at 49 years old

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